Eight Months of Good, Bad, Ugly

The past eight months have been good, bad, and ugly. It's been that long since my last post, and I wonder just what happened during this time. So, list-maker-me came up with the following to share. Life happens to all of us, and opportunities present themselves in all sorts of disguises. Take a look and consider making a list of events Jan - Aug 2011. It's amazing what we see, when we take time to look

The good:
Husband's health improvements are dramatic
Finished a writing course at Stanford University (online)
Writer's critique group revived
Invited to teach a writer's workshop in October
Negotiated a publishing op with a non-profit org
Secured a private writing space (office)
Attended a webinar by T. Suzanne Eller (great webinar)
Worked to create a life balance

The bad:
Lost sight of my writing world for a while

The ugly:
PC problems - tons of them
Website problems - including this site
Email problems - except on the Droid

Take a look at the three lists. It's easy to see that my choices, actions and reactions to opportunities, played a positive roll in the 'good' list. And the 'ugly' list has nothing to do with events I can change.

"God grant me the serenity.....and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebhur (1892 - 1971)

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